Help to align sales behavior to match corporate goals. Keep teams focused on the KPI's you define.
Improve accuracy and enhance returns from multi layered performance programs. Audit results in real time, while reducing costs.
Quickly prepare vendor performance reviews with actionable intelligence to increase bottom line profitability.
No hardware or software to maintain. Low start-up costs, easily customizable to your market. Limited IT resources required. Future enhancements are included at no additional cost.
Centralized prospect management increases new account open rates. Integrate your current client data to populate calendars and call logs, which can be data mined.
Get the answers within seconds as to where sales are down and why. No more waiting for cumbersome reports. No more sifting through mind numbing spreadsheets. Once you have your answers you can address the issues critical to success, and use Enterprise Café to track progress over time and make necessary course corrections towards desired results. No more wondering if your actions are having the desired effect. It is all right there.
That is Enterprise Café.
Engage associates quickly with intuitive graphics, and easy to use interactive reporting systems. On-demand intelligence in real time, accessible anywhere you can access the internet.
Capitalize on your clients current buying patterns. Identify who buys fresh eggs and no bacon. Run "what- if" scenarios before implementing costly supplier changes. Identify opportunities to grow profit per drop across sales routes, chain business, city or state.
Your data has value. Controlled access allows industry partners unique insights into their own business, and enhances engagement to grow profits.
With just a couple clicks your customers can see every program and incentive you offer and provide. Every rebate, and every coupon and every foodshow deal. With Enterprise Café you can tangibly demonstrate the exact value of every deviation and allowance you’ve negotiated for your customers over time. There is no better way to enrich your customer relationships and stake out a sustainable competitive advantage than using Enterprise Café.
You take the time to understand your clients business at every level and from every angle. Enterprise Café gives you the platform to highlight your performance, building long-term successful relationships. Collaborate with vendors to foster growth and distinguish your brand in the marketplace.